Monday, December 20, 2004

GDP will be released by the national adminstration

The central stastic government will release the GDP data, include all the provinces, from 2005. It will especially focus on the index of investment, agriculture and price. (link in Chinese)

The number of GDP in China has been a great benchmark these years, though not many outsiders enquiries its validity. Part of the reason is due to the fault or error in the provincial statistics. Fortunately, they have paid attention to it.

But the question is how much money and human resource can they spend to detailedly record the national statistics?


China Herald said...

Certainly interesting, since in the past the provincial GDP figures were always higher than the national average. Bonusses of the provincial leaders use to depend on those figures, that explains it all. Would be interesting to know what is happening to those bonusses now the central government wants to cool down the economy.

Amy Gu said...

I don't think they can totally get rid of the previous statistic systems, maybe just partly. So it is still easy to compute the bonuses.