I had a big debate with an Australian friend when we were watching the ceremony because he kept saying Olympics is all about politics. "China should improve its human right before holding this Olympics", he said. A lot of politicians were there, and a lot of politics were involved, but there is only fair competition during the game. Athletes deserve a clean field to compete, and every country does too. If Olympics discriminate a country with one fourth of the world's population just because of politics, then I can't imagine the flame of the torch originated from Athen is still pure.
A few days later, he forwarded an email on the fake voice of the Chinese girl who was singing in the ceremony. He wants to prove his point. Look at the pictures of the two girls, you can see the one who showed up is "more cute" than the others. However, I can't help thinking the impact of this action on the girl who actually singed. Her name is Yang Peiyi. She has a beautiful voice, but she has to be behind the stage because of her "less-cute"look. She is just 7-years old, and what will she remember as she grow up? Also, to the girl who showed up, she will also remember she doesn't really sing in the ceremony, but get the position because she is better looking. What will happen to her?
In China's traditional saying, we will never judge a person based on his or her looking. But, I can understand why the director did this, though I don't agree. This is called groupism; people do this to make a better performance for the whole group, but they shouldn't ignore what will be the impact on individuals.
Chinese people are in the process of changing from a 100% of groupism to a mix of groupism and individualism, especially among younger generation. It's a good thing, and it's a right path for China to improve the human right situation.
When I am still "ashamed" by this fake sing, I found this story on a leading dancer who was expected to dance in the ceremony but fell off and hurt herself. Her name is Liu Yan. She may never stand up again. Zhang Yimou, the director of the ceremoney, visited her in the hospital. "You're the deepest pain in my heart," Zhang was reported as saying. "If I could see you stand up again, it would make me much more happier than any praise I've received."I was very impressed by this. Despite all the critics on Zhang's directing style, his words shows his respect to a single individual life, and that's the true

I replied my Australian friend a long long email, telling him China's history before and the change now. At last, I said, "let's try to open mind to each other, and understand each other much better than our parents do".
(liu yan)
The director did not make the change. It was the politburo, the highest political entity in China. That means the decision was made after deliberation and discussion, and obtain a concensus of top leaders of China, including Hu and Wen.
Insider info? if not, it's impossible. i think media makes such a big deal on this, while its not.
I am from Taiwan. I think you could tell your Australian friend about the following news, and I really wonder what's his thinking about the following news:
相比下「代唱風波」的爭議就大得多,在西方尤其招來「造假」批判,甚至扯上意識形態。但《雪梨晨鋒報》卻報道,原來雪梨奧運會同樣為了「追求完美」,安排「幕後代奏」。雪梨奧運會開幕表演團體「雪梨交響樂團」(Sydney Symphony)證實,他們當天的表演並非現場演出,當中有部分更是由其對手、墨爾本交響樂團(Melbourne Symphony Orchestra)演奏。雪梨交響樂團總監克裏斯蒂(Libby Christie)承認:「表演全部預先錄音,墨爾本交響樂團錄了一小部分表演的樂曲。我們基本上只是做樣扮演奏。」
克氏解釋,樂團沒有即席演奏,皆因雪梨奧組委人員「希望萬無一失」,而且因為時間緊迫工作繁多,所以要動用兩個樂團合作事先錄音。墨爾本交響樂團總監格林(Trevor Green)則稱:「(由兩個樂團分工預錄)純因工作量的問題。沒所謂樂團之間孰優孰劣。那是相當正常的做法。假如奧運會在墨爾本舉行,我肯定雪梨交響樂團也會有份。」
有關報道在北美華人社區傳開後,不少華文媒體都甚感不平,質疑西方媒體炒作林妙可風波、給中國冠上「造假之國」惡名,但對雪梨奧運「演奏造假」非但沒有批評這個成功隱瞞了8年的真相,甚至連轉載報道都沒有。以「sydney olympic」在Google搜尋相關新聞,出現的只有《雪梨晨鋒報》和《年代報》的報道,以及《紐約時報》一個記者網志有提及。
●真慘,我們已墮落到無論是個人、交響樂團和政府,都認為在現場表演中出現瑕疵,比起事後被揭不老實,遠遠更為尷尬。網民David Paris
●為何大家就是不把奧運視作一個精彩大騷去欣賞呢?為何硬要雞蛋裏挑骨頭?這似乎有一些針對中國的種族主義味道。網民Mini Vinnilli
以下文章節譯自《雪梨晨鋒報》評論"Western media shows its ugly face",作者為John Garnaut。
2.5萬名赴京採訪的外國記者中,很多都作出這種評語:中國比西方過去所想像的更專制,而最能用來支援西方這種負面評價的一則報道,就是「中國領導人下令7歲女孩楊沛宜不得在開幕式中亮相,因為她『臉孔太胖牙齒不齊』(chubby face and crooked teeth)」。
這則故事以不同形式化身,在澳洲以至西方流傳。《澳洲人報》便稱,是政治局成員下令必須換掉楊沛宜,因她「不夠漂亮在億計電視觀眾前亮相」。澳洲《每日電訊報》更稱,楊因為「被認為太醜樣」而被換。評論員以這些報道為基礎高談闊論。澳洲《時代報》稱事件是「中國對奧運以至世界有覑兩種嘴臉的縮影」,《巴爾的摩太陽報》評論員Kathleen Park更將事件比作1936年納粹德國奧運:「感性並不容於極權世界。在這種世界,欺騙是年輕人學得最好的一科。」
但這種論調的一大問題,是根本沒證據支援「楊是因為太醜樣或爛牙而被換掉」。博客Roland Song在香港「東南西北」網站,仔細審閱了所有開幕禮主要人士的回應原話,發現他們根本沒公開說過這種話,「最近似」的是開幕式音樂總監陳其鋼向中央電視臺說,主辦單位找了楊來綵排,但最後臨時換人。「(在場觀看)的一位政治局領袖給我意見,認為要改……原因是出於國家利益。出鏡的孩子,在形象上、在內心感覺上、在表情上等都應該無瑕。」
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