Saturday, December 24, 2005

Media_what is happening?

What is happening in media these days? Many of the global media organization has fallen into the embarassing situation. Wall Street Journal may close its Asian edition and use the reporter from the Dow Jones Newswires in the future; Businessweek may close its Asian and Europe edition in order to save money; and so do many other big media once famous for their brands. So what's happening?

Internet is one the most important factors to affect those media. No one could control Internet right now. The content of the traditional media could freely, or partly freely, spead on the net, while people could read them without affording anything. But that will affect people's creativity at last. Many reporters, who used to produce more high-quality works, now have to increase their speed to produce lower quarlity stories. Google's suceess is based on the suffer of many people working in the traditional media.

Today, Google has compromised with Microsoft on a case of its employee Lee Kaifu. It doesn't need to inform media. All it does is to publish a piece on its blog. Traditional media has lost its basic value. What it should do in the future?


Jan said...

started from the very first day of internet era, traditional media couldn't avoid to transform themselves. to be precise, everyone of us has to transform in order to survive.

does web kill creativity? im not sure, tho im always on the side who pro the web. i suppose easier exchange in idea can speed up the process of creating quality things. in fact, traditional media would cover things on blog nowadays, since they find this new dynamic media provide good source of information for them, i suppose.

Lutz_W said...

Hi Amy.
I agree with Jansen. And I also understand your situation, Amy. My ex-girlfriend is also a journalist and is constantly pushed to lower the quality of her work. Maybe the situation seems to be unfortunate for your trade--but neither does the internet kill creativity, nor does it make journalists obsolete. As Jansen said: it's just a catalyst for transformation. Big media will have to find answers to cope with it (just like the music industry), but only few major companies have tapped into new emerging opportunities yet...

My conclusion: there will be quite a lot of IPOs in the field of media, till we'll only have a handful of big global players, doing everything: Google will do TV, and Murdoc's companies will do more internet. And then there will be small businesses, creating fresh and technologically advanced business ideas, before they'll eventually get bought.
Journalists will have to find their own niche. There will be demand (if only a bit less) for traditional journalism, and there might be growing demand for "quick-jobs". With blogging pouring into traditional news, journalists might also work as editors to channel customer-generated information--or they might be writing more blog-journals like this war-reporter working for yahoo...

At least the internet will offer lots of opportunities to do research or group-work with colleagues. I think you're having enough ideas on your own what to do with the internet, huh?

:) <- Lutz

PS: merry christmas and a happy new year, everybody.

Amy Gu said...

hoho, yeah, Lutz and Jansen, I know I have benefited a lot from Internet. But my point is that I am used to going for Internet instead of think about it myself. For example, if I had some problem, I would have thought it and calculate it myself before. But now I just use Google and other websites to look for the answers. But the question is if many people only look for answer, who will produce answers?