Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Opinion_review comments from dear readers

Internet is good to me, especially when almost a dozen people were willing to share their opinions with me openly on the topic of Japan-China relations. Thanks for you all.

I talked about Patriotism in China in my story, but the point was disagreed by many readers such as Dave, Joann, Shulan and one or two annoymous people. I agree with Shulan that "Patriotism also is a mighty political weapon " in the perspective of politics, but my point is in the view of common people.

When People's Republic of China was firstly set up in 1949, people believed that China will finally develop into a Communism society, where all people could live a happy life with average living necessaries; Then in 1950s, people lived a hard life caused by natural disasters. Some people even starved to death, though they still held firm belief; In 1960s, when everything was about going back to normal, Cultural Revolution came. People's feelings and belief were strongly hurt, while some of them expected the Spring coming soon; Ten years later, the disaster went away. Chinese people found that they have lost so many time on the political fighting that the economies in other countries such as US and Japan have already been quite stronger. Some leaders created policies to push the nation's economy, though most of the policies are hard to implement under the heavy political pressure. People's belief was wandering between Communism and Capitalism, while the youngers such as students began to suspect. After 1989, government solidened its power, while different beliefs among the people were totally beaten. Fortunately, economic reform has attracted people's attention, with some extremists saying "Money is everything". Until now, I would like to say only patriotism remains under these years. That's good, in some extent, that something is unchanged

I could agree with Dave many people did wrong in the cultural revolution, but it is a quite different era when everyone talks about politics. 無塵工作室(the dustless workshop) is right saying that most Chinese don't really care much about politics at this time because they firstly want a better life. In the cultural revolution, hope everyone knows, all the living necessaries are from the government, and totally free to every people, which I think is amazing for a start-up government to achieve. But now things are different. Being Poor and rich depend on your effort, and no government, including China and other countries such as US, will promise that to their people. Dave is afraid that Chinese people will do the same thing as their parents or grandparents did in the Cultural Revolution, but come on, they are under totally social contexts.

One thing is dangerous, I believe, is the point from an annoymous reader saying that "Wake up, China" or "help the people of China" in the comments. I am sorry but I couldn't quite understand your point because it seems like Chinese people were now living a bad life. You could say the same words to some others, like those people in South Asia who suffered from Tsunami, and then they of course, will say thanks to you. You could try, one day, to tell some Chineses living in the nation or overseas that "I am here to help you", and to see their response. Remember to update me because I am curious to know the results, too. Thanks.

One thing I would like to say is that I am sorry to those Japanese suffered in the protesting. I appologize for those violence happening in the protesting, especially if some Japanese are hurt in those cities. Peaceful protesting is acceptable, but violence isn't tolerated.


Anonymous said...

Amy, I can't discount the Cultural Revolution as having a lasting influence in the minds of Chinese. It was certainly a long period when the economy stagnated, some starved and died, and was mostly driven by politics.

However, I don't think you should forget that between the 1930s and early 50s, living conditions and the standard of living (especially for women) improved greatly in the areas under communist control.

Outside of China itself, the whole (developed) world has been heavily political for a very long time. US citizens have been voting for a lot more than a hundred years. They have had political unrest and huge protests at least every decade for about sixty years! Likewise Japan had massive national protests in 1958 and 1968, the era of greatest economic growth.

Most people see protests about government policy as one major way to improve the living standard and lives of their country's citizens. Even in countries that are democratic, protests against government policy are frequent. Most old people nowadays worry that the young don't care enough to bother protesting!

Now here we have a whole lot of Chinese people who are in fact extremely politically motivated. They are so angry that they are throwing stones and shouting out words of hatred and killing.

What I was pointing out was that
a) in fact, people aren't too busy trying to improve their own lives for politics - it turns out they have plenty of time to go out and scream "Death to the Japanese Pigs", and
b) they are spending their efforts on areas that are unimportant when other issues (like the growing gap between rich and poor in China) are more important.

I'm frustrated by this because they aren't protesting for what is really important, but I'm also slightly sympathetic, because I understand that protesting for what really is worth fighting for (like being able to use whatever BBS you like) will probably get you in trouble.

It's as if a big bully punched you in the nose, and his pet dog barked at you. You are afraid of the bully, who's big enough to hurt you more if you annoy him, so the next time you see the dog alone, you kick it.


Amy Gu said...

hehe, Dave, your analogy is interesting. Then my point is that if you are not strong enough to kill a bully, killing his dog first is not a bad thing. Two results may come out: Bully will be aware of your strength and may treat you better in the future; Or you kill bully one day when you are strong enough.