Monday, January 31, 2005

Seeking job in Hong Kong is much easier

It is much easier to find a job in Hong Kong than the mainland now, though Hong Kong's employee rate is worse compared with the number in the boom period.

Famous companies in the different careers including consulting, banking, information technology.etc, has been running to the campus to recruite the fresh graduates these days. But the local students are not all crazy about the events. Accenture, a popular brand in the world, only got the number of students from 150 to 200 in a single university. Also did its competitor, IBM. Several percents of the attendees are mainland students who are now studying in Hong Kong, which made it hard to say how many local students will finally apply for the jobs.

The situation is quite different from what I saw once in Shanghai and Beijing. Famous brands, like IBM, Microsoft, and the big four auditing companies, made all the students in the cities crazy, no matter which school. They all come to events, talk to HR managers and ask questions curiously. But the recruiting places are so limited that almost one in a hundred or several hundreds got the job.

The veteran blogger Fons, based in Shanghai, also quoted from CBIZ about the difficulty to find jobs in China. That definitely sounds. Economy is better doesn't mean it is easier to earn money. But not all the people are aware of it. I met a American woman who came from Taiwan. She planned to study in Hong Kong for a while and then go to mainland for jobs. "Mainland China is my best favorite and I want to teach there". She said. But she didn't know the foreigners in China are too many to find a decent-paid teaching job.

Economists are worried about China's ability to create new jobs. Chisato Haganuma, the chief strategist of Nomura Securities Limited(the leading securities and investment banking firm in Japan) said that the most important challenge for Chinese government is to create enough jobs, instead of the type of landing(hard landing or soft landing). But China's big population is a burden now. More and more university students can't find the jobs when they graduate. Even seriously, the regulation of Hukou (One has to reside in a city where he has the citizenship there) has limited people from freely flowing in the country.


Amy Gu said...

Hehe, you feel strange? I felt strange when I saw it at the first time. I used to think HK graduates have so many choices that they don't have time to apply some of the big companies.

But I really saw some students decent dressed and sit close with the recruiting managers. I think they have done a good job.

I don't know the situation in U.S and Europe. Only know some of my Chinese friends there are not that hard to find jobs.

Amy Gu said...

I prefer working in an independant thinking environment, no matter big or small companies, or even working myself:)

Amy Gu said...

hehe, why you said your position forbid you doing the things you like? I don't think you are too old:)

Amy Gu said...

hehe, I c. But there is still chance.